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Eco Learning: Biodiversity

Tennis Ball


Gr.5/6 Eco Learning: Biodiversity

Eco learning is where the classes go outside and discuss the habitats , the human impact on the environment, the problems and solutions of our school yard.

Part 1.----- First we made a map. We drew a layout of all the school yard then recorded where the natural habitats were located with a coloured marker.

Part 2.----- After that, we tried to find as many natural habitats as we could. We would mark them on the map and describe them. Here is an example.

Part 3.----- Later we did a chart stating the problem, cause, and solution. For example--- Problem: Erosion around the creek Cause: Kids are stepping on the soil causing compaction of the soil. Solution: We can block off that area until it is fixed! We can plant native plant species, grass, etc.

Here are some things we found.---- Squirrel nests---- Bird nests----Lot’s of ant houses----Seeds that have been dropped off trees----And a tennis ball with plants on it----

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